Cyborg Attack | fr

Massive Attack est un groupe britannique originaire de Bristol et précurseur de la musique trip hop. Il se compose à l'origine de Robert Del Naja (3D), Grant Marshall (Daddy G) et Andrew Vowles (Mushroom). Le style du groupe, toujours en avance sur son temps, va évoluer : d'abord proche du hip-hop, du groove voire de la soul, il se rapprochera de l'électronique à la fin des années 1990. En désaccord avec l'évolution du style musical, Mushroom a quitté le groupe à la sortie de l'album Mezzanine, en 1998. Bristol, fin des années 1980. Cameron McVey, mari et manager de la...
Japanese d-beat noise punk band from Nagoya. For fans of Gloom, Disclose, etc. .
Slaktattack (Slaughter Attack) was formed in Gothenburg, Sweden in February 2002. Yxan (vocals) and Krea (guitar) had thought of the name years earlier, and at a friend's 30:th birthday party they finally got their act together. Then Svanne (guitar), Nippa (bass) and Plytet (drums) were drafted and the band began writing songs in the raw punk vein. Initially Plytet played the bass and Nippa was the drummer. Banging out the D-beat rhythms came more naturally to Plytet however, and anyone who has seen Nippa wave a bass guitar around can clearly see how them switching instruments was best for the...