Patrice | fr

Patrice Rushen Louise (née le 30 septembre 1954 à Los Angeles, États-Unis) est une chanteuse, auteur et pianiste afro-américaine de jazz, soul music et R'n'B. Plus d'informations sur le wiki anglais : .
Patrice, de son vrai nom Patrice Bart Williams, est né le 9 Juillet 1979 près de Cologne d'une mère allemande et d'un père écrivain activiste (Gaston Bart Williams) originaire de Sierra Leone. Le jour de sa naissance est également le jour du décès de son grand-père, ce qui lui vaudra le surnom de Babatunde, qui signifie Le retour du vieux. Son père décèdera pendant la jeunesse de Patrice. Patrice vit son enfance bercée entre deux styles musicaux inspirés par ses parents: son père écoutait du blues, du reggae ainsi que de la musique africaine alors que sa mère écoutait du...
Patrice Sciortino was born in Paris the 26th July 1922. His Father, Edouard Sciortino, a composer and student of Vincent d'Indy, taught Gregorian chant at the Shola Cantorum. His mother was a poet and also an amateur pianist. He began to study music in the family circle at the age of six. At thirteen, he prepares both entrance to the Beaux-arts and admission to the Schola Cantorum where he was admitted. There, he studied piano with Jules Gentil and writing with Achylle Philippe and Edouard Sciortino. In 1942, he became head organist at Alès Cathedral and music teacher at the...
Patrice Roberts is a young Trinidadian, who is rapidly edging her name among the elite in the music industry. Patrice Roberts has been the premier soca artiste in the Caribbean for more than a decade and has established herself as the leading draw at major events in New York City, Miami, Toronto and London and throughout the Caribbean Diasporas. Patrice Roberts is recognized as a leading performer in the soca music genre and is highly regarded as a great songwriter. Patrice Roberts began her career as early as 1992 at age 9. In 1995, Patrice Roberts and her panel of...