Guy | fr

The Piano Guys est un duo de musicien américain composé de Jon Schmidt et Steven Sharp Nelson. Ils sont devenus célèbres grâce à YouTube, où ont été publiés des vidéos de qualité professionnelle de leurs œuvres. En Décembre 2011, ils sortent leur premier album. Histoire : Paul Anderson a un magasin de pianos à Saint-George, en Utah. Il a rencontré Jon Schmidt quand celui-ci lui demandait s'il pouvait y pratiquer un prochain concert. Ils ont commencé à faire des enregistrements audio et vidéos ensemble. Après que Steven Forte Nelson les ai rejoint et que la production d'une vidéo de musique...
Le 29 décembre 2017, Filthy Frank, le génie derrière Pink Guy, a officiellement annoncé sur son compte Twitter qu'il arrête toutes ses productions comiques, incluant entre autres Pink Guy, étant un personnage récurrent de son célèbre show sur Youtube, The Filthy Frank Show. .
Guy was born in the South-East of the Netherlands. Already as a child, Guy showed many interest in music and he was spending much time listening to pop- and classical music. His grandparents had a very good sounding piano which his grandfather used to play and when Guy was visiting them, he often tried to play the piano too. It was in that time that he discovered how much fun it could be to compose music by himself in stead of just playing music that was made by somebody else. Although Guy couldn't read notes, he already managed to compose...
Guy J is a pseudonym of DJ / producer Guy Judah (b. Israel). His recording début was a single with Sahar Zangilevich, Guy J and Sahar Z's "Hazui" (Aug 2006, Electribe - aka Guy J & Sahar Z's "Hazui"), album début was "Esperanza" (Sep 2008, Bedrock) and latest album is "1000 Words" (Apr 2011, Bedrock). Sites: Discogs .
Hailing from the same area as labelmates the Apers, Wiseguy started in 1996 as a punk rock outfit. Shaping into a hard rocking combo by the turn of the century, their Hellacopters-esque debut single was released by Stardumb Records in 2001. That single was followed by their only full length album 'Burning The Tracks' in 2003 and 3 songs on the Rock N Rolla Outta Controlla compilation (which was accompanying the Rock N Rolla tour with The Stilettos, 69 Charger, Black Rodeo and The Lulabelles) in 2004. By that time singer/guitarist David Pino's band El Pino And The Volunteers...