Bora | fr

La historia del grupo comienza en 1984 cuando Sixto Ayvar funda Alborada en su ciudad natal, Ocobamba. Su música, inspirada básicamente en el folklore del ande peruano, es llevada por Sixtucha a tierras germanas, estableciéndose finalmente en la ciudad de Colonia. Ya ahí su oído de músico se ve ensanchado por todos los generos y estilos que conviven en una ciudad cosmopolita, dotando de una diferente sensibilidad a los instrumentos sin importar su procedencia. La música tradicional andina, en las manos y voces de Alborada, se moderniza, se renueva. En los comienzos, el apoyo y empuje de los reconocidos Manuelcha...
Inner Vision Labratory is a musical project brought into existance by polish artist/musician Karol Skrzypiec. It has been created in March 2005.Stylistically the project is to be qualified as basically industrial dark ambient. Nevertheless, it also includes elements of ethnic music, classical music, et al. The first recordings resulted in the creation of Set Of Several Illustrations album. Next records evolved from simple experiments to widely extended pictoral music. Serial Albums have been released by labels such as Rage In Eden, Zoharum, No Angels Productions, Beast Of Prey. Next records evolved from simple experiments to widely extended pictoral and conceptual...
Chanteuse et auteur canadienne, Deborah Cox s'est fait un nom dans le monde R&B en 1998. Son premier tube, Nobody's Supposed To Be Here, est resté pendant 14 semaines à la tête des charts. Il a fallu attendre Mary J. Blige avec Be Without You, en 2006, pour battre ce record. Des night-clubs à Broadway Née à Toronto en 1974, elle baigne très tôt dans la musique. A l'âge de 12 ans, elle chante pour TV Commercial. Adolescente, la chanteuse se produit dans les night-clubs. Elle commence à écrire ses premières chansons et entre dans le show-business en tant que...
"Survival Research Laboratories was conceived of and founded by Mark Pauline in November 1978. Since its inception SRL has operated as an organization of creative technicians dedicated to re-directing the techniques, tools, and tenets of industry, science, and the military away from their typical manifestations in practicality, product or warfare. Since 1979, SRL has staged over 45 mechanised presentations in the United States and Europe. Each performance consists of a unique set of ritualised interactions between machines, robots, and special effects devices, employed in developing themes of socio-political satire. Humans are present only as audience or operators." .