Casting Crowns | fr

Casting Crowns est un groupe musical chrétien, typé rock, fondé par Mark Hall, la "voix" de la bande, également tenant d'une église. Découvert en 2003 par Steven Curtis Chapman, c'est avec ses premiers titres "Who Am I" et "If We Are the Body" que Casting Crowns a pu devenir un des plus célèbres groupes chrétiens mondiaux. Le style musical de Casting Crowns se rapproche beaucoup du style de U2, en plus calme, avec des paroles percutantes. Les convictions du groupe et sa foi se ressentent au travers des différentes chansons dédiées à Dieu et à leur relation avec Lui. En...
These Kids Wear Crowns est un groupe originaire de Chilliwack, en Colombie Britannique. Le groupe se compose de Alex Jonhson, Josh Mitchinson, Josh "Gypsy" McDaniel, Alan Poettcker et Matt Vink. Le groupe est devenu populaire grâce à l'émission "DisBand" présentée à Much Music et à leur reprise d'un succès de Withney Houston, soit "I Wanna Dance With Somebody" dont ils ont aussi fait une version en français.  Site officiel: .
Free tracks can be downloaded at The Crowns website. Established in the heart of Amsterdam, The Crowns were built on the foundations of Dutch liberty and freedom. A shared passion for truly handcrafted music and a free environment strongly conductive to creativity led Valentine (vocals), Thomas (guitar) and Alex (keys) to craft the first royal rock prototype. Originally just intended for friends, the sound of The Crowns was nevertheless quickly picked up online by music enthusiasts. Inspired by this positive reception, The Crowns decided to expand their catalogue and an album was recorded independently. Previews were posted on The Crowns...
The Imperial Crowns are four hard working souls who have put their hearts and minds together to create music that is traditional yet contemporary. Each with an extensive background in the rough and tumble L.A. music scene, they play a frantic blend of garage rock, blues, and vintage rhythm and blues. The Imperial Crowns is as fresh as they can be, yet they strive for the future of the good old-time blues music. As they mention welcoming the visitors in their site: "Upon witnessing THE IMPERIAL CROWNS you shall be left with an impression which will stay with you for...
Public Service Broadcasting is a London, England-based pseudonymous musical duo consisting of J. Willgoose, Esq. on guitar, banjo, other stringed instruments, samplings and electronic instruments; and Wrigglesworth on drums, piano and electronic instruments, formed in 2011. PSB's uniquely spell-binding live AV Transmissions see them weave samples from old public information films, archive footage and propaganda material around live drums, guitar, banjo and electronics - beaming our past back at us through vintage TV sets and state of the art modern video projection devices. PSB released debut single, ROYGBIV, to the masses in March 2012. The single won the Rebel Playlist...