Trula Koalicija | fr

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"Trula koalicija" is a punk-rock band from Serbia. This is the third project of a guitar player/producer Vuja from Kragujevac, Serbia, the other two are "KBO!" (original) and "Zvoncekova bilježnica" (with Tozza Rabassa from Arandjelovac). The band was formed during '90s in Serbia. An inspiring time for political, military and streetwise lyrics. Album "Plakao sam kad je pala Sekuritatea" has the original logo on the album cover, which is a 5-end-star joined with the Swastika mark. Unfortunately and reasonably banned from
"Trula koalicija" had many singles, unpublished, demo tapes (more than 50). The official albums next to "...Sekuritatea" are "Trula Koalicija" ,"Sećanja" ,"Ne izlazi iz stroja", "Pogled u nebo", "Ubiće nas promaja" as far as I know. Also a live album from SKC, Beograd in 1997. Many good gigs in SKC and KST in Belgrade. .

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