Ecthirion | fr

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A three-piece band hailing from the United Kingdom, Ecthirion’s aim is to write broad and unique music. Describing their own style, the band says “Hopefully it is something unique and thought provoking. We try to think outside the box and not be cliché. Our music combines elements of all styles of metal including the extremes, as well as baroque music, film music, folk music, eastern music and Spanish music". Most of these styles can be heard on the EP.
The debut 5 track EP "Apocalyptic Visions" was released on May 22, 2009. With guest vocals by Eugen Dodenhoeft (Far Beyond) and Azahel Frost (Frost Like Ashes) and operatic vocals by Josh Edwards, Ecthirion strike the fans with massive epic orchestral metal elements with Viking and black metal tendencies.

The current line-up of Ecthirion consists of:

Gabriel Neale - guitars, bass, programming
Simon Treasure - guitars, bass, programming

Ecthirion are working on a new 12 track full length album which will explore some new territory and feature different guest musicians including vocalist David Cooney and a number of female vocalists. The recording is going ahead and the release will be completed by some time in 2011.


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