Carola Pisaturo | fr

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Electronic music was a discovery and abandonment of inhibitions.
Carola was born in Rome and at the tender age of eight transported to Naples, Italy with mom and dad. At eighteen she left home, traveled north and began hanging out in the world of dance music, which introduced her to electronic sounds. She was captivated. The sonority of these manipulated compositions opened the port to an enchanted voyage, delicately preparing for her debut. Her DJ carrier started in 1997, from that point on, Carola plunged in compulsively exploring and experiencing sounds inspiring her personal path. In 2002, she graduated in sound engineering and worked for studio productions in Rome and Milan. Then, it was back to Naples. In her apartment, she built a studio where her impulse twisted and shaped ingenious sounds into her own sleek, funky style. After achieving her first releases (Bush, Southsoul Records) in 2005 she set up Titbit Music, which has rapidly become one of the "it" labels for funky, minimal techno. She has also established the net label Claque Musique as a playground for both well-known artists and newcomers. Carola lives in Naples, where she continues her exploration and love of release through music.


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