Calico Horse | fr

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Born out of the ashes of the now retired band The Clock Work Army, Calico Horse is a new line-up, but has lost none of its song writing prowess due to the fact that it is still fronted by Clock Work’s singer and co-songwriter, Emily Neveu. Following Clock Work’s EP A Catalyst for Change, Emily and guitarist Scott Wheeler began writing the songs that were to be Clock Work’s first full length album. Catalyst was a huge success and created a kinetic energy that came as a bit of a surprise for the fledgling band. Within a few months, they were consistently selling out shows, gaining more and more momentum as the word spread across the city that these guys (and gal) were special and seeing them was important. Requests were coming in from established venues to open for larger nationally touring acts; the highlight being Akron/Family.

Not long after the build-up, Scott Wheeler moved to Portland and Emily was left to finish the album all by her lonesome. Luckily, she had the help of producer extraordinaire, Pall Jenkins, best known for leading The Black Heart Procession. Together, the two of them crafted an album that is equal parts haunting as it is amazing. Jenkins helped Emily to step outside herself and view things from his somewhat beautifully warped approach to song writing. Because of conflicting schedules and other priorities, the project became a feat in discipline, taking nearly a year to come to fruition. What could have easily ended up a disaster to a less dedicated musician and producer, they instead embraced this small hitch and every session was a whole new playground of ideas. Pressure was definitely not an issue. The extra time was truly a blessing. The result of those sessions is Calico Horse. .

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