Cain's Dinasty | fr

"During August 2006, Rubén Picazo (former singer from power-metal band DELIRION and Black Metal band GOTHMOG), decided create a new band. For this purpose, he counted with Roberto García (lead guitar player in GOTHMOG) and Paco M. Castillo (former bass player from Phantom Mask and Cloon dC) to create Cain's Dinasty.

After this, the band begun searching for a drummer and a second guitarrist to complete the lineup. After some rehearsals the band settled for the drummer Marcos E. de Juana and with J.J. Ruiz as second guitarrist.

The band's name comes after searching for the Biblical origin of vampires (Vampiric Gospel I), being that Cain was the father of all of them.

With the band complete and a bunch of songs, they had their debut opening a gig for Coz, the legendary spanish band, gathering great critic acclaim for their powerful live performance. From February to May 2007, they started touring around many cities of the Spanish Eastern Coast, showing off the songs that will make up their first studio album.

On July 11 2007, Cain's Dinasty went to the Immortal studios in Valencia to begin recording "Legacy of Blood", their first album, wich Fernando Asensi produced.

A month later and with the album just recorded, the band got the oportunity to take part in Rockstars Festival 2007, sharing stage with Gamma Ray and Metalium, a great oportunity for such a so young band.

At the end of 2007 J.J.Ruiz and Marcos (guitar and drums) decided to leave the band to handle their personal affairs. Then is incorporated to the line up a new keyboards player called Jose A. Quiles.

The official release of Legacy of Blood was in July 2008 by the hand of Melodica Records".
