Aorta | fr

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There are multiple artists (at least 3) that use the name 'Aorta'

The most famous of which were a psychedelic band from Chicago who were active in the late 1960's - early 1970's. The band members were alumni of other Chicago garage/psych acts, including New Colony Six

The band's self titled first LP 'Aorta' - Columbia, is regarded as a minor psych classic & one of the best major label releases of that period & peaked at #167 on the Billboard charts.

This lack of success caused them to be dropped by Columbia & the band released their second LP ' Aorta 2' on a small California-based independent, Happy Tiger. The psych sounds of the first LP were largely jettisoned in favor of pop & country rock, which had no effect on the bands commercial success (lack of).

After the band folded, two members, Michael Been and Jim Dolinger, joined the band Lovecraft, which was the final remnants of H.P. Lovecraft, another Chicago psychedelic legend.

The other Aorta is a relatively unknown metalcore band with black metal influences, active from 2005 in Somerset, UK.

There is also a german metal band called Aorta.


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