Alhana | fr

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Alhana is a symphonic metal/power metal band with a female singer from Budapest, Hungary formed in 2002 and split in 2009.

Paréj Zsuzsi - vocals
Siegl András - bass
Siegl Zoltán - drums
Pihokker Péter - guitar
Bessenyei Balázs - guitar
Pázmándi Ági - keyboards

Their story goes back to September 2001, when Sígli decided to leave his band which at the time was Tűzmadár. An idea formed in his mind of a band, which would be hard work to bring into existence. Perhaps there could even be some keyboards in it, to support the beautiful female vocals. His brother, Eddie, who at the time was the Tűzmadár's drummer liked his idea so much, that he quit them as well to join the forming group, which, at that time, consisted of: Paréj Zsizsu - vocal, Kovács Marci - guitar, Siegl András - bass, Siegl Zoltán - drums. The first tryout was in May 2002 when Pihokker Peti from Tűzmadár became the second guitarist. This co-operation was so productive, that Pihe is now a stalwart of the group. As a matter of fact, that tryout is now considered to be the formation of the band and this is where the name Alhana, was born. (This name might be familiar to those who read the Dragonlance chronicles.) Some time later Kovács Marci went to play in Tűzmadár and left Alhana. In 2003 Hidvégi Tamás and later Bessenyei Balázs (whose other band is Gyöngyvér), also joined the band. Hidvégi Tamás later left to concentrate on his other band, Damned Spirits' Dance. Now on keyboards you can find a second beautiful talented girl in the band; Pázmándi Ági (whose other band is Legacy).

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