mixture rock | es

Mixture Rock (or ミクスチャー・ロック) is a term used to describe music that mixes genres such as rock, metal and pop with rap, hip-hop, reggae, funk, etc.

It is usually used to refer to artists from Japan because the term originated there, but it can be applied to any band that fits the description.

However, it is rarely used in the West, as bands that could be called "mixture rock" are usually placed in more specific genres such as "nu-metal", "rap-rock", "funk metal", etc.

The best example of mixture rock would be a band like Dragon Ash, who take influences from punk, rock, rap, hip-hop, latin and pop music and, as such, cannot be confined to a more specific genre like "rap-rock".

Other examples include マキシマム ザ ホルモン (MAXIMUM THE HORMONE), RIZE and SBK (スケボーキング). .