Dolf Brouwers | es

Adolf von Henselt (May 12, 1814 - October 10, 1889), German composer and pianist, was born at Schwabach, in Bavaria. At the age of three he began to learn the violin, and at five the piano under Frau von Fladt. On obtaining financial help from King Ludwig I of Bavaria he went to study under Hummel in Weimar for some months, and thence in 1832 to Vienna, where, besides studying composition under Simon Sechter (the later teacher of Anton Bruckner), he made a great success as a concert pianist. In order to improve his health he made a prolonged tour...
(1906 - 1969) Director de orquesta, compositor y pianista argentino cuyo apodo era "Manos brujas" y que es considerado una importante figura vinculado a la música de tango. Desde 1935 hasta 1938 se desempeñó como pianista de la orquesta de tango de Juan D´Arienzo. En 1938 fundó su propia orquesta típica. Su estilo de ejecución tendió a favorecer al bailarín con un ritmo nervioso y hasta por momentos monótono. Como compositor se le recuerda especialmente como autor de la música del tango Indiferencia y de la milonga Campo afuera con versos de Homero Manzi. .
Rodolfo Halffter Escriche (October 20, 1900 – October 14, 1987) was a Spanish composer who emigrated to Mexico during the Spanish Civil War. Born in Madrid, Spain into a family of musicians, he was the brother of Ernesto Halffter and uncle of Cristóbal Halffter, also composers. His father Ernesto Halffter Hein came from Königsberg, Germany. His mother was a Catalan who taught the first music lessons to her children. Rodolfo Hallfter was self-taught and in the 1930s took part in the intellectual environment of Madrid, particularly in the composers' society "Grupo de los Ocho" or "Grupo de Madrid". This group...