Рк Вавилон | es

The band was created in 2001 by Alexandr Abramov, producer of multiple Russian Shanson artists. In the summer of 2001, the band already recorded several singles but they still lacked an official name. On September 3rd 2001, a number of inmates escaped a famous Moscow jail - Бутырка (Butyrka) - and that's how the band decided to name themselves. .
Danilko es más conocido como Verka Serduchka o simplemente Serduchka. Para interpretar sus canciones, Danilko se personifica como Serduchka utilizando la técnica del transformismo; se viste de una mujer robusta, rústica y estrafalaria. Ha grabado varios discos en Rusia bajo el sello de la compañía CD Land. Sus temas los interpreta generalmente en ruso y en ocasiones en ucraniano. Goza de popularidad en este país, en su natal Ucrania y en otras ex Repúblicas Soviéticas. Varios años ha participado en los especiales de año nuevo de las televisiones rusas. Ha grabado duetos con artistas rusos, los cuales han sido populares...
This group, headed by Jevgeni Zolotorevski, from Tallinn, Estonia. Sumerki created modern electro pop with a dark experimental edge. Although Sumerki recently changed their name to Yudzoka, they keep recording albums and touring. .
The music band Arktida was created in 2003 by Vladimir Lebedev who is the inspirer, the author and the composer. At first, the band was called "Arkaim", but lately it was renamed as "Arktida", because there was about 5 bands with the same name in Russia. Arktida made its Moscow debut in 2006 and in 2008 the band released their first full-length album "On the Horizon", which included 17 songs, in 2010 there was the second one "Through the Centuries" which consisted of 16 songs. At the end of 2011 the band announces split, and keyboardist Dmitry Mashkov becomes the...
Encontró 12 canciones, duración: 15:22
Пенный Weekеnd 2(Дорожка 3)
Пенный Weekеnd 2(Дорожка 1)
04.11 РК "Вавилон"
7 ноября | РК Вавилон
21 октября РК "Вавилон"
пенный weekend 25 июля