These Modern Socks | es

Modern Talking es el grupo alemán que más discos ha vendido en todo el mundo (más de 120 millones de copias). Se formó en 1983 en Hamburgo, Alemania. Fue el proyecto de Dieter Bohlen quien tuvo la idea de formar un duo, para lo cual escogió a Thomas Anders, uno de los muchos artistas al cual producía temas Schlager, para ser su vocalista. Modern Talking nació del trabajo y el esfuerzo de Dieter Bohlen junto con Luis Rodriguez y la participación fundamental de Rolf Köhler, Michael Scholz, Detlef Wiedeke (quienes luego formarían el grupo Systems In Blue) y además Birger...
The Modern Jazz Quartet (abreviado como MJQ) es un grupo musical estadounidense de jazz que desarrolló su carrera entre 1952 y 1993. Representante del estilo cool, sus componentes originales fueron Milt Jackson (vibráfono), John Lewis (piano y director musical), Percy Heath (bajo) y Kenny Clarke (batería); Connie Kay reemplazó a Clarke en 1955. Milt Jackson, Lewis y Clarke habían tocado originalmente juntos en un cuarteto en colaboración con la orquesta de Dizzy Gillespie entre 1946 y 1950. Junto a Ray Brown, tocaban en los inteludios para ayudar a recuperarse a los trompetistas. El mismo grupo grabó en 1951 con el...
Modern Jazz was an electro-based live performance group assembled and co-ordinated by Ash Wednesday. Not a conventional group by any means, Modern Jazz was carefully designed to constantly evolve and change form, to include various configurations of numerous and diverse select musicians and artists. It was to exist, therefore, as a vehicle for creative input from a varied extent of sources. This input was often directed towards the idea of mating computer generated sound and vision to human spontanaiety (perhaps stange bedfellows to the uninitiated). When viewed from this angle, the name 'Modern Jazz', however ironic, was specifically descriptive. .
Modern Love is a punk band from Oslo, Norway. They have released a demo tape under the name Strike a Match. A split 7" with Bernays Propaganda was released in March 2013. They have songs on the Bransjevelter 7, 8 and 11 compilations on Fysisk Format. In May 2014 Lilla Himmel released their 4-track 7" called Small Stone EP. Their first LP Tross alt was released in July 2017. Listen on their bandcamp, .
Mathématiques Modernes was a French coldwave duo active in the early 1980s, consisting of Parisian Socialite and It-Girl Edwige Braun-Belmore and synthesizer musician Claude Arto. The duo released two singles and one album called "Les Visiteurs Du Soir". The cover art of their records was created by the legendary Pierre and Gilles. .