Romantic Warriors | es

A japanese rock band from the late '80 and '90. They are still alive with their Single "Too Bad" from 2005. . .
Romantic Mode era un grupo de música pop japonesa que debutó en 1996 con su primer single, "Dreams". Los miembros son Akira Asakura (voz), Masaki Suzukawa (guitarras / teclados), y Joe Rinoie (teclados y coros). Su estilo es el pop electrónico. Dos de sus canciones, "Dreams" y "Resolution", fueron utilizados en el anime Gundam X como openings (1er y 2do respectivamente) El grupo se disolvió poco después de su último álbum fue lanzado en 1999. No obstante, Akira Asakura continuó como solista inicialmente bajo su nombre de nacimiento, Saori Saitoh, pero volvió a su stagename en 2005. .
The Jazz Warriors were an all-black London-based group of jazz musicians that made their debut in 1986. According to musician/writer John Chilton, "...[the Jazz Warriors] proved to be the launching pad for the stellar talents of a number of important jazz musicians." The group remained together until 1994, though many of the original members had since left to start their own careers. Former member Gary Crosby has said of the Jazz Warriors: There were all these different writers, but everything ended up sounding with the same energy. I've never felt anything like that energy — raucous, raw ...It wasn't the...
Necromantic macht eine Musikrichtug aus Industrial und Elektro! also a one man doom/death band from Chicago Illinois, released debut album Ego Sum Papa in November 2013 .