Ulster | es

In 1979, São Paulo's ABC region was Brazil's largest industrial complex, employing thousands of metallurgists. At the same time, there appeared the first signs of a huge social crisis that would shake the structure of the country. The Brazilian Detroit produced not only strikes and unemployment, but also insurrection in several cultural fields - specifically in the music scene which drew its inspiration from the European and American punk movement. The first crop of punk bands had no technological resources, only their dissatisfied scream. Ulster were one of these first bands to give back to the system its own aggression...
The Ulster Orchestra is a symphony orchestra based in Belfast, the only full-time professional orchestra in Northern Ireland. The orchestra plays the majority of its concerts in Belfast's Ulster Hall and Waterfront Hall. It gives concerts across Northern Ireland, including performances at the Belfast Festival, the Wexford Opera Festival, the Kilkenny Arts Festival, and the National Concert Hall, Dublin. Since 1985, the Orchestra has been a regular visitor to The Proms. The orchestra currently employs 63 full-time musicians and 17 administrative support staff. The orchestra was founded in 1966 by the Arts Council of Northern Ireland, with Maurice Miles as...