Bipo Montana, Nanpa Básico, McKlopedia | es

Existen por lo menos tres artistas llamados Bipolar: - Grupo indie español afincado en Brooklyn, Nueva York, - Grupo de rock de Estados Unidos - Grupo de rock de México .
2004-2011.... Releases on Kill Shaman, Ol Factory, Deleted Art, Rococo, Yosada, Labil, Mexican Summer, Split Tapes, Scotch Tapes, Limited Appeal, and various comps such as Not Not Fun and Deathbomb Arc. Splits with Watusi Zombie, Talbot Tagora, Aa, and Hiroshima Rocks Around. Regrets the fact that there are other bands now called Bipolar Bear that didn't google before they named their band. Now known as Turrks. Last album available through Beko DSL.... Also completely regrets name in general. Ugh. .
Ramsés Meneses, MCKLOPEDIA . Amor, paz, unión y respeto. Cómo comenzó todo. Inquietud por el Rap. Ramsés, un jóven que con sólo 17 años se sintió identificado con el rap, tomándolo como su filosofía y forma de vida. Influenciado inicialmente por las vivencias en una zona central de Barquisimeto y la isla de Margarita, a los 18 años conoce a Ice quien se convierte en su primer mentor y en el su futuro lo bautiza como MCKLOPEDIA, haciendo referencia en tono jocoso a que jamás se le agotaban las palabras, algo parecido a una enciclopedia. Desde ese momento adoptó ese...
Bipolar Empire Amidst the euphoric haze of Oxegen 2007, in a mud-laden field in Punchestown, three young Dublin musicians decided to band together and try their hands at forming a popular musical group, who might someday perform at similar prestigious events. All hailing from the Dublin suburb of Tallaght, supersonic warbler Shane O’Reilly was joined by horizontally laid back bassist Joe Leech and drumming dynamo Callum Mc Adam. And so it was to pass, Bipolar Empire was born. Joe and Callum had been playing together since they were fifteen years old, forming a covers band that were fiercely committed to...