Rebekka | es

La voz de Rebekka Bakken llenaba el hogar familiar situado en un pueblo de Noruega cercano a Oslo. Siempre la oyeron cantar, desde que era una niña. Ella misma cuenta que “cuando bajaba al sótano lo hacía cantando, tenía tanto miedo que pensaba que cantando los fantasmas no me tocarían”. Pese a esa natural predisposición, su decisión de dedicarse a cantar profesionalmente la tomó no hace mucho. Antes sólo lo había hecho porque le divertía y porque el entorno le era propicio. Empezó con canciones populares escandinavas -muy difíciles de entonar-, al tiempo que participaba en coros de iglesias. Más...
Rebekka Karijord was born in 1976, in Northern Norway (Lofoten). She lived with her mother during her whole childhood. She moved to new places 17 times before she had her birthday. Both her parents are artists. Rebekka went to several musical/performance educations such as the Norwegian Musical Theatre, Academy of ballet and she also went to the Royal Academy of Acting in Stockholm. She has a Swedish family and after four years living in Stockholm she feels she has two homes, one in Sweden & one in Norway. During her Theatre education she did a musical-dramatic monologue named "Rebekkas...
Danish Rebekka Maria Andersson started her career in the Danish-Swedish band Lampshade. She released her first soloalbum "Queen of France" in 2008 using the artist name "As in Rebekkamaria". She released a second soloalbum "Sister Sortie" in 2010 and this time just using the name RebekkaMaria. .
there are at least three artists with the name Rebekka: 1) Rebekka aka Rebekka Karijord is an artist from Norway. She released one album in 2003 entitled Neophyte, after which she met drummer, composer and producer Peder Kjellsby. Together they founded the band Rebekka & The Mysterybox. 2) REBEKKA belongs to the German symphonic prog rock tradition with bands as ELOY, NOVALIS, and GROBSCHNITT. This little band made a name in the progressive rock scene with an impressive, colourful album which can be qualified as a cross between folk rock and symphonic rock. The exploration in acoustic, folk music, their...