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Suomen Talvisota 1939-1940 was a provocative Finnish rock band in the years 1969 and 1970. Their only album is called Underground-Rock. Lyrics for the band were provided under pseudonyms by M.A. Numminen and the Turku poets Markku Into (under the pseudonym Taannehtiva Seuralainen) and Jarkko Laine (under the psedonym Lauri Kenttä). The name of the band literally means "The Winter War of Finland 1939-1940". Tracklist: 1. Edistyksen voima [2:00] 2. Liput liehuivat [4:02] 3. Vihreä valta [2:19] 4. Talvisota-Rock [1:24] 5. Kekkonen-Rock [1:56] 6. Laulu jossa on tunnelma [2:50] 7. Takaisin Pekingiin [2:33] 8. Tehtaan vahtimestarit [1:21] 9. Rock on...
History the Pride of Minnesota The University of Minnesota Marching Band was founded in 1892 as the University Cadet Band, with 29 members. In 1910, the first formations and halftime "show" were presented during the Gopher football season. Included in the formations was the first "Block M". The current Block M is now a symbol of the University. The band has gone through many changes over the years. The first significant change was merging with the local Army band to form the First Regiment of Minnesota Band in 1918. A Second Regiment of Minnesota Band also existed briefly in 1918,...
You'd think this was 1983 and you're listening to a slab of excellent Scandinavian hardcore that was so prevalent in those days. Sung in Finnish, Sotatila assaults you with an explosion of D-beat that has strong elements of early bands like Tampere SS, Kaaos, Riistetyt, Mob 47 and comparable to some "newer" acts like Rajoitus, Ääritila, or Decontrol. .
Sotahuuto derives from a band called Catrabbits. Nowadays the band's music style is somewhere around attitude metal, with some influences from hardcore. Sotahuuto's line-up has been intact since the end of 2002. They also got their own mixer in early 2004. So the band currently consists of vocalist Retu, guitarists Pekka and Taneli, drummer Eero, bassist Matti and mixer Jukka. Sotahuuto officially began to exist in 2003, in Helsinki, Finland when Catrabbits was put to it's final rest. In Easter 2004 Sotahuuto recorded a demo, which was never released. Yet, this demo helped a lot when recording their new album,...
Sotajumala es una banda de Death metal fundada en 1998. El nombre se traduce a "Dios de la Guerra" y todas las canciones son en su idioma nativo. La banda ha ganado, muchos seguidores a través de sus duros trabajos y un gran Death Metal , sólido y muestra varias versiones. Su Debut de larga duración "Death Metal Finlandia" (2004), así como versiones mcd "Sotajumala" (2001), "Panssarikolonna" (2003) y Sotajumala /Torture Killer (2005) han recibido respuesta positiva de la prensa y los aficionados por igual. Con los años la banda ha pasado por necesaria línea de los cambios, siempre regresan...