Bigot | es

Bigott es un artista de Zaragoza que básicamente compone para él y sus amigos. Acaba de publicar su cuarto disco, This is the beginning of a beautiful friendship, en el que sigue manteniéndose fiel a su estilo aunque aceptando la entrada de nuevos estilos en sus canciones. Continuación de su álbum Fin, galardonado con el premio a mejor disco nacional del 2009.Su segundo disco "What a lovely day today" lo publicó a través de un sello propio "Bigott records" superándose a si mismo. Gran "promesa" del panorama musical español. .
The guitarist Gilles Le Bigot, is best known in Brittany as the co-founder of the groups Skolvan and Barzaz. Since the early 1980’s his work as guitar-player and composer is characterized by the“ open-tuning” style. After having collaborated on several major recordings in the 1990’s such as “L‘Héritage des Celtes” by Dan Ar Braz , “ An Den Kozh Dall ” by Barzaz, “Times are Changing” by Skolvan and “Azéliziza” by Le Bagad Kemper,Gilles decides to record his first solo album : Empreintes. DISCOGRAPHY 2006 G. Le Bigot / G. O’ Connor ‘ En concert ’ 2004 Skolvan ‘ Live...
Encontró 150 canciones, duración: 09:30:40
Autopsy of Deformed Miscarriage
Purulent Menstruation
Intrauterine Resuscitation of the Fetus
Shit Inside the Womb
Bowels Full of Sperm
Excruciating Ejaculation
Neisseria Gonorrhoeae
An disparti
The Fisherman
Marivonig an dourdu
Bigot Dance
Bowels Full of Sperm
Intrauterine Resuscitation Of The Fetus
St. Bigot
Autopsy Of Deformed Miscarriage