Fitnes | es

Fitness Club Fiasco are a synth-pop band that's been recording in Bristol, England for the past year. They're half Canadian, half British. If they had children they'd be passive aggressive with bad teeth. FCF describe themselves as " a 4-piece synth-pop jungle gym." Their debut album is set to be released in 2010. .
Seattle's dance-punk outfit the Fitness features singer Bree Nichols, guitarist Rebeka Dunbar, keyboardist Adam Finn and singer/guitarist Tom Bridgman. The group's mix of electro, new wave, and punk debuted in 2002, when the Fitness began playing local gigs supporting bands including The Epoxies, Stereo Total, the Streets, the Postal Service, the Gossip, Audio Bullys, and W.I.T. The Fitness signed to Control Group and released their debut album, Call Me for Together, in fall 2003. .
Zumba Fitness or the Zumba Program is a dance fitness program created by Colombian dancer and choreographer Alberto "Beto" Perez during the 1990s. Zumba involves dance and aerobic elements. Zumba's choreography incorporates hip-hop, soca, samba, salsa, merengue, mambo, martial arts, and some Bollywood and belly dance moves. Squats and lunges are also included. Zumba Fitness, an organization that sells Zumba videos and products, does not charge licensing fees to gyms or fitness centers. Approximately 14 million people take weekly Zumba classes in over 140,000 locations across more than 150 countries. In 1986, Perez forgot his tape of aerobics music for...
1) New Band from Eve 6 Frontman, Max Collins 2)Energetic Noise-Rock from Cologne, Germany, with a SHELLAC-influence and lyrics sung in german. 3) The original name of Wisconsin-based power-pop band Telethon. Their first LP, Witness, was released under the band name Fitness. .
Fitnes je visoko energetski funk rock sastav, off projekat braće Furunović iz Popečitelja. Bend je poznat po tome što svira autorsku, instrumentalnu muziku na tradicionalnim muzičkim instrumentima (električnim gitarama i bubnjevima). Oni energično eksploatišu post-rock, drum&bass, funk, surf, kao i YU rock nasleđe. Dakle, nema negiranja prošlosti, a ni zaziranja od novih formi. Pored Saše i Gorana, u bendu je za bubnjevima i njihov najmlađi brat Aleksandar, a od nedavno je bend pojačan i klavijaturistom Acom Pejčićem. .