Saltatio Mortis | es

Saltatio Mortis es un grupo alemán de música que se mueve entre la tradición medieval y la música más actual. En concreto su estilo se encuadra dentro del "Medieval Rock" (en alemán Mittelalter-Rock). Este estilo se caracteriza porque el uso de instrumentos típicos medievales combinados con instrumentos modernos como la guitarra eléctrica, el bajo y la batería. Apareció con fuerza en Alemania, donde actualmente es un estilo importante junto a otras bandas igualmente famosas como In Extremo, Subway to Sally, Schandmaul, Schelmish, etc. .
Imago Mortis is a Heavy Metal band from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Imago Mortis' music style, entitled Heavy-Doom-Phylosophy, is highly inspired by death and existencial philosophy. The whole concept starts from the perception that comprehending men's mortality is the key to a meaningful life. In it's music, that thematic is approached not only with a personal vision, but also with elements from philosophy, mythology, art and religion. The band started in 1995 with the demo tape RÉQUIEM, and being baptized with the latin expression that means "Image of Death". The band's logo uses a stylized the symbol of Pluto, the...
Profugus Mortis es una banda canadiense cuyo nombre actual es Blackguard. Tras lanzar varias maquetas, en 2007 sacan su primer disco, So it begins y en 2008 firman por Nuclear Blast Records, cambiando su nombre a Blackguard. .
Rimortis is a power/speed (with strong keyboard sound) metal band from Czech Republic. Their lyrics are Czech. Current members: Milan Hloucal - singer, Roman Černý - guitar, Jirka Vrba - keyboard, Vašek Mrzena - bass guitar, Martin Růžek - drums .
The band formed in 1993 in Germany,Thuringia by musicians Allen B. Konstanz (Tobias Schönemann) [ The Vision Bleak, Asgaia, Ewigheim ] and Jan-Vincent Simmen [ Eisregen ]. After a year of working hard, they released their first demo which was called "Epitaph" that contains 8 tracks with a total play time of about 50 minutes. After that they released two other demos by the names of "Wald Der Angst" in 1995 and "Promo" in summer 1996. After a while they signed a contract with "Prophecy Productions" to release two full-length albums, 1996 "Im Schatten Des Hasses" and 1999 "7 Lies"....