Labyrinth | es

Labyrinth es una de las más destacadas bandas de power metal de la escena italiana, y con su primer trabajo se consolidaron junto a Rhapsody como la punta de lanza de lo que se dio en llamar New Wave Of Italian Heavy Metal. “No Limits”, el debut de 1996, presentaba al cantante Fabio Lione (actualmente Rhapsody) y al guitarrista Olaf Thorsen, hoy ambos juntos en Vision Divine. La formación original se estableció en 1991, como tantas otras bandas, de manera underground, con una vaga idea de lo que se trataba el negocio musical. Unos pocos años más tarde, en 1994,...
LABYRINTH OF ABYSS, formed in 1999 is often described as "Anti social necro Black Metal with True Transylvanian feeling". The band plays a blend of old school black metal with thrash metal influences and great guitarsolos. Their first material was the 2001 demo 'Transylvanian Abyss' with distribution through Mirgilus Siculorum Records. It was followed by a Promo Tape in 2002. In 2004 they release their first full-length, only on tape, in 333 copies. In 2006 they sign with an independent Transylvanian label Sun & Moon Records February 2007 - Sun & Moon Records re-releases their debut album on CD format...
IN THE LABYRINTH is an experimental musical project based in Stockholm, Sweden and is led by Peter LINDAHL. The main concern is to mix a wide array of styles to create a symbiosis quite unlike most music heard of today. You could define it as progressive rock with a strong ethnical element, almost like an early PINK FLOYD with both classical and oriental overtones. .
"Con calma, jugando bien las cartas de cada una de sus contadas canciones, los londinenses Emily y Tom (alma doble de Labyrinth Ear) llevan desde principios del verano haciéndose notar en la Red, atrayendo a un creciente número de voces hacia su muy sugerente pop sintético de filiación cool wave. Hace ya algunas semanas, Labyrinth Ear decidían reunir cinco de sus temas en forma de EP. La buena nueva es que el dúo ha decidido ofrecer la descarga libre de ese EP, titulado “Oak”. Además, para atraerte hacia lo suyo, Emily y Tom acaban de recurrir a la tan socorrida...
Beyond The Labyrinth (°1996, BTL for short) has always been something of an enigma. Where people need predictable, classifiable labels, band leader Geert Fieuw’s vision has always been “First comes the music”, ignoring trends and movements, stubbornly following an own, often meandering, path. “Classic Symphonic Rock/Metal”? Admittedly, listening to Beyond The Labyrinth’s music reveals a lot more than meets the eye or, in this case, the ear : Influences from Classic and symphonic rock, AOR, neo-prog as well as NWOBHM and Gothic Metal manage to reach and convince a broad range of music lovers, even if they’re unfamiliar with the...