Bethany Joy Lenz | es

El twist “Caramelo de menta” fue el hit que hizo bailar a la juventud y acompañó la historia en el pop de Eduardo Valenzuela Fariña, conocido por el público de la Nueva Ola simplemente como Lalo. Se inició en 1962 actuando en Radio Portales junto con Luis Dimas y luego grabando canciones en inglés, aunque no logró gran impacto. Por esa razón Valenzuela gira su búsqueda hacia las letras en español y graba aquella que fue su máxima canción, y más tarde “Ausente”, “Maquillada, “Paseando triste”, “Busco novia”, “Quisiera saber” y “Envenenada por el twist”. Falleció en diciembre de 2005...
Kim Lenz, precursora del rockabilly moderno, la revista Rolling Stone dijo "Si Elvis hubiera sido mujer habría sonado así" desde su disco "Kim Lenz and her jaguars" ha continuado rockabilleando hasta su más reciente CD "Its all true!" que sale en el año 2009 para impactar a todos y hacer bailar a todos los que gustan de este género. .
Armed with a single microphone, Pro Tools, and a vocal booth fashioned from sleeping bags and an upturned couch, London born, Oxford raised alt-folk artist Bethany Weimers, spent much of 2011 as a bit of a hermit, performing, recording and producing her debut album ‘Harpsichord Row’. The result is a beautifully atmospheric collection of songs with both folk and pop appeal, that draw the listener in with hooky melodies belying their darker content, poignantly exploring the human condition whilst remaining uplifting and life affirming. Bethany has steadily been building a reputation as a stunning live performer for several years and...
Gerold Kukulenz was trained in a classical way. He learned piano, guitar and bass and was playing in bands as young musician. He learned different styles of music and was already composing his first song with sixteen years. When he was twenty he started integrating electronic sounds in his compositions and began his musical experiments. Miles High is Gerold Kukulenz debut album which he produced together with Dagobert Bohm in 2005. Gerold is playing on this album keyboards, bass and guitar and also adds some flawless and eccentric electronical sounds. Gerold's impetus is to create life in electronical music, to...