Bhakti Sudhīr Goswāmī | es

Bhakti is 90's "Krishnacore" from Argentina. Some of whose members later formed Enquirer. .
The Subway Bhaktis are Rachel Zinman and Nyck Jeanes and producer and musician Kamal Engels. Rachel and Nyck are based in Byron Bay, Australia, where this album was recorded, but these chants and songs were first conceived when they were living in New York City from 2000 – 2004. Rachel was teaching ISHTA yoga in NYC and as part of her studies discovered the joys of chanting. She would often practice mantras in the subways – commuting to and from beneath the city – by making up melodies to help her remember them. At home with husband Nyck, with harmonium...
Encontró 21 canciones, duración: 01:57:48
Thesis, antithesis, synthesis
What's more important: Krishna's name or service?
Glorification of Devotees: The Medicine for Envy
Normal condition in the pleasure-giving potency
Types of knowledge: jñana, vijñana and prajñana
Soul's choice, faith and faithlessness
Superiority of Krishna conception
Ramanuja, the Discoverer of Vaikuntha
What Is The Dust From Devotees' Feet?
How To Improve On The Infinite Beauty of God?
Nityānanda Prabhu's appearance day
Gradations of theism (Brihad-bhagavatamritam)
Place where offenses are forgiven
Krishna, Vishnu, Shiva, Brahma and others
Aham brahmasmi and the etiquette
Vrindavan Das Thakur's Disappearance Day
Mahaprabhu's Sannyas: Eternal Cycle of Lila
Envy in this world and in the Divine world
Value of Negative Thinking
Shlokas and Uttama Shloka