Jannick Top | es

Jannick Top is a French bassist, multi-instrumentalist and composer, born in Marseille, France. He is best known as the bassist for the pioneering Zeuhl band Magma during what is often considered their "golden years" (Mekanik Destruktiw Kommandoh, Wurdah Itah, Köhntarkösz and Üdü Wüdü). As well as bass, Top also plays cello and piano/synthesizers. His dark, aggressive style became one of the staples of the Zeuhl sound. On his two solo efforts, Soleil d'Ork (2001) and Infernal Machina, he continued in the Zeuhl vein. Soleil d'Ork (named after a track on Üdü Wüdü) featured a collection of his own compositions dating...
Jannick Schou is a Danish sound-artist making ambient/microsound/drone music. He is also known under the moniker Cylon. Has releases on Under The Spire and dotContemporary. .