Ace Bushy Striptease | es

Bushy is Jim Bingham of Brighton, United Kingdom. He has released one full-length album to date on Catskills Records (Hiya!; 2002), in addition to several remixes and EPs. His music has appeared on a number of compilation albums, including Fabric 28. His track "Never" was remixed by Bonobo, and he himself has remixed many other artists. Jim also releases music as Electric Bear, which he describes as "more disco oriented". .
Ace Bushy Striptease were a five-piece pop group from Birmingham, UK. Started in 2007 as a distraction from university business, they grew up marginally over time from their twee roots into a rough and tumble cuddlecore behemoth that shambled around the country until the summer of 2014. The songs are brief, stubbornly avoid repetition and are a bit fancy-pants sloppy-ass pop-punk, all up in yr face all of the time. .