Sanjosex | es

After a lot of time of playing the guitar and writing songs, in 2000, Carlos Sanjosé formed a band in La Bisbal d'Empordà called Sanjosex. After five years of sporadic live concerts he decided to record his first album, Viva!, that surprised critics and audience in the year 2005 and that sounded repeatedly on the catalan TV series Porca Misèria. Two years later Temps i Rellotge appeared, where organic sounds gain relevance, and on a trip he culminated Al marge d'un camí (2010). Fresh everyday life stories, introspective but accessible, with the origin of the Catalan Empordà. The current band...
Encontró 8 canciones, duración: 30:05
Futur incert (2x06)
Animal salvatge
Espai llunyà
Temps O Rellotge
No Som Res