Chester P | es

Joey Coombes (born March 21, 1976), better known as Chester P, is a much respected rapper in the UK hip-hop scene. A founding member of Taskforce, Mud Family and Bury Crew, Chester earns particular praise for his freestyle capability. His rap name is taken from a psychedelic British comic book from the 1970s, "Brainstorm" (written by Bryan Talbot). His lyrics are as notable for their leaning towards mythology and esoterica as for their descriptions of life on the streets of north London. Chester P grew up in Highbury, North London and still lives there today with his brother Farma G...
Ilan Chester (cuyo verdadero nombre es Ilan Czenstochouski Schaechter) es un músico compositor e intérprete venezolano. Entre sus influencias musicales, además de la música clásica, canciones tradicionales judías, francesas e italianas, se cuentan tendencias como el bolero, la música del caribe, el blues, rock and roll y la música negra estadounidense; destacándose la influencia de artistas como Tito Rodríguez y Los Beatles. A pesar de haberse formado artística e intelectualmente en Caracas, actualmente reside en Florida, Estados Unidos. Descendiente de familia judeo-polaca, su nombre, Ilan, proviene de un árbol típico de Israel. La familia del artista ha vivido marcada por...
There are (at least) two artists using the name Chesterfield. 1. an electronic musician, chipmusician, and circuit-bender in Kobe, Japan 2. a band from Newcastle, Wyoming, US --------------- It has become more than just popular opinion that a great majority of todays music lacks a certain attitude and spirit heard and seen in musical generations of the past...A certain passion. However, growing among these circumstances is hidden music of great fervence. This music is not an easily kept secret and has exploded onto the scene spreading like wildfire. This music is Chesterfield. To watch Chesterfield perform live is to witness...