Aktivna+Propaganda | es

Hay varios artistas con este nombre. Grupo aleman de synthpop ; español de metal ; serbio de new wavve,búlgaro de crossover ; polaco de hardrock;dúo ingles de DJ ; ruso de pop ; finlandés de gospel ;griego de hip-hop ; rumano de rock alternativo ;italiano de nsbm;un rapero americano; alemán de rac. 1. Propaganda fué un grupo formado en Düsseldorf, Alemania en 1982 por Ralf Dörper (miembro del grupo alemán industrial Die Krupps), DJ Andreas Thein y Susanne Freytag. En su formación como trió grabaron las demos que se convertirían en futuros lanzamientos. Con la incorporación del compositor Michael Mertens...
Bernays Propaganda from Skopje, Macedonia, has already written some interesting chapters in contemporary history of alternative music on Balkans. After hundreds of concerts, 4 albums and a tour of the USA, we can without a doubt say that they are one of the internationally most recognized bands from Ex-Yugoslavian region. They’re driven by an infallible kick and groovy bass lines, upon which layers of noisy and dis-harmonic guitar chords make room for a remarkable female voice, shouting socially engaged lyrics. Dance, clap, sing and celebrate civil disobedience, human rights and freedom. “Third most important Ex-Yugoslavian record from 1991 ‘till 2015”...
Como conexión resultante entre Los Chikos del Maiz & Habeas Corpus, surge este nuevo trabajo/gira llamado Riot Propaganda. El trabajo lo componen 8 cortes con la única colaboración de Jerry Coke y donde la música la ponen el grupo madrileño. .
Aktivna Propaganda is an anarchist and antifascist D.I.Y. hardcore punk band from Slovenia. The band is best known for their harsh political lyrics and staying true to the do-it-yourself way of life and their idea of street school hard core music and anarcho punk community. Band members are also active on different social/political organising activities and movements. The band released their first album on a tape in the year 2000, as a split album with the band Sod'n'dan. The second album named "Na ruševinah kapitalizma..." was released in year 2004, and their third album "Nepremagljiv odpor. Neskončna borba. Neustavljiva revolucija"...