The Tex Avery Syndrome | es

The Bravery es una banda norteamericana de música Indie proveniente de Nueva York, que ha sido incluída en el Post punk revival. Está compuesta por Sam Endicott (guitarra y voz), John Conway (teclados), Anthony Burulcich (batería), Michael Zakarin (guitar) y Mike Hindert (bajo). Su primer álbum, The Bravery (2005), alcanzo el Top 20 en los Estados Unidos y el Top 5 en el Reino Unido. Su estilo musical ha sido comparado con banda como The Strokes, The Cure, New Order, The Smiths y, sobre todo, con The Killers. Historia: Este quinteto neoyorquino hizo su aparición a comienzos de 2003. Tras...
The Postman Syndrome changed its name two times: first to Day without Dawn and later to Biclops. Members currently perform in East of the Wall. --- The Postman Syndrome was formed in 1996 and have produced a striking album called Terraforming, released in 2002. In describing their sound, others have tossed about names such as The Dillinger Escape Plan, Tool, Candiria, and many more -- while there are shades of each of these in the Postman sound, it's a testament to their diversity that it's really hard to nail down what this band is all about. They don't really fit...
A Thousand Years Slavery is a melodic death metal / melodic deathcore band formed in 2004 in Montreux, a French speaking town of Switzerland. After an online three-track demo named “An Eternal Three” issued in 2006, they released their first EP “A Fury Named Spartan” in 2008 on Conatus Records. Their current website can be founded here: Official Facebook .
There are five bands named Slavery: 1) A Melodic/Progressive Thrash Metal band from Ulm (Germany). 2) A Death/thrash metal band from Brazil. 3) A Death metal band from Russia. 4) A Thrash metal band from Chile 5) A metalcore/grindcore band from Paris (France) formed in 1996. They released their first album (War Is peace, Dead Is Dead) in 2004. Some members of the band now play in Arafat. .
Encontró 10 canciones, duración: 35:07
No Hell (feat. Nasty)
No Hell (feat. Matthi of Nasty)
No Hell (feat. Matthias Tarnath)
How To Carry The World