Tallulah+Bankhead | es

(1903-1968) Bankhead was born in Huntsville, Alabama. In 1918 she made her stage debut at the Bijou Theatre in New York. In 1923, she made her debut on the London stage at Wyndham's Theatre. In London she was to appear in over a dozen plays in the next eight years, most famously, The Dancers. Her fame as an actress was ensured in 1924 when she played Amy in Sidney Howard's They Knew What They Wanted. The show won the 1925 Pulitzer Prize. She was famous not only as an actress but also for her many affairs, infectious personality and witticisms...
Tallulah was a four-piece group from Southern California who met somewhere around January 2008 and started writing songs a few months later. On vocals was the spunky Danielle, who hails from Harlingen, TX and loves everything from The Who to Gwen Stefani. Like many, her motto in life is "hay girl hay!" Bass player was Chase, and he is way too tall for a 17-yr-old. He enjoys British indie rock, YouTube, being irreverant, and teasing Danielle. He's really a good time, this one. The drummer was Hana (as in rhyming with "sauna") who can only be described as someone who...