Sentience | es

There are more than one artist with the name Sentience. 1. UK Progressive Tech-Metal band 2. Electronic / Metal outfit. 3. Progressive Metal band from Melbourne. 4. Melancholic metal band from Belgium 5. Death Metal band from NJ, USA 1. Sentience are a Progressive Tech-Metal band, based in London, UK. Their sound is a culmination of groove, ambience and grinding riffs. Video: Free download: Facebook: Instagram: 2. Sentience was a three-piece electronic outfit consisting of Nick Fryer, Martin Dawson and Tom Neville, largely gaining fame for themselves by appearing on the soundtrack for controversial video game...
transentience se fundó en 2005 por Kristof Elst, con una cruz entre el metal sinfónico y powermetal en cuenta. La demo "para la esperanza sigue ahí" es grabado en 2006. The demo contains three songs, “For Hope is Still THere”, “Calling out the Gods” and the ballad “After the Storm” and receives international acclaim. La demo contiene tres canciones, "para la esperanza sigue ahí", "Llamando a los Dioses" y la balada "Después de la Tormenta" y recibe la aclamación internacional. After a year of extensive rehearsals Transentience is invited to play Metalbash - the Netherlands’ most prestigious metal-contest. Después de...