Abdel Gadir Salim All-Stars | es

In 1947 (following a highly successful small-group jazz concert at New York Town Hall on May 17, 1947, featuring Armstrong with Jack Teagarden), Armstrong's manager, Joe Glaser, dissolved the Armstrong big band and established a six-piece small group featuring Armstrong with Teagarden, Earl Hines and other top swing and dixieland musicians. This group was called the All Stars, and included at various times Barney Bigard, Jack Teagarden, Trummy Young, Arvell Shaw, Billy Kyle, Marty Napoleon, Big Sid Catlett, Cozy Cole and Barrett Deems. During this period, Armstrong made many recordings and appeared in over thirty films. In 1964, he recorded...
Abdel Ali Slimani nació en el distrito U Anasser de Argel, el corazón de un vibrante puerto cosmopolita con un ojo puesto en Europa y el otro en África. La música era un aspecto omnipresente de su infancia, desde las danzas tradicionales de Sahara y Berber, pasando por el funk occidental, el reggae y los estilos árabes. Durante su adolescencia fue testigo de la explosión de la música Rai, una revolución juvenil encabezada por Khaled. Ali estaba fascinado y soñaba con convertirse en cantante. Después de viajar y trabajar por Europa, se instaló en Inglaterra, donde se hizo conocido como...
Abdel Rahman El Bacha (born October 1958) is a Lebanese pianist and composer. His repertory includes over fifty concertos and is largely based on the works of Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Chopin, Schubert, Schumann, Rachmaninov, Ravel and Prokofiev. El Bacha was born in Beirut, Lebanon in 1958 to a family of musicians - his father was a well-known composer and his mother was a singer. He remarked in an interview that his mother possessed a sharp ear for music without the ability to read it in written form, and that this taught him the importance of learning music by ear. He...
Encontró 5 canciones, duración: 27:44