Rock, Paper, Cynic | es

Cynic es una banda de Death Metal técnico y progresivo formada en Miami, Florida, EE.UU., en noviembre de 1987. Sus miembros fundadores fueron Paul Masvidal (guitarra) y Sean Reinert (batería). Tras 4 demos en las que se hizo patente una constante evolución, en 1993 lanzarían su debut discográfico, titulado Focus, álbum considerado de culto por los amantes del metal extremo interesados por los cruces de estilo que se estaban generando, tales como la incursión en el Jazz, el New Age, la música Fusión, e incluso Electrónica, a los que se unían elementos de Thrash Metal y Death Metal provenientes de...
The artist formerly known as Cynics. Better known as 'haven't you shot up!' the history of which is often argued to be either due to his teenage growth spurt or his pretend heroin habit. Born named Giles Alexander Romeo Bidder. He quickly became renound as GARB. His seedy past as naked brass player in seminal punk rock ska band F-BATS was an image he seeked to step out of and changed his name legally on Friday May 7th 2009 to Cynics. Kind of like Seal, or McLovin’s fake ID in Superbad. Following in Bob Dylan’s shocking footsteps, Cynics turned electric...
A band is like a person - the more you get to know it, the deeper it becomes. When Armchair Cynics released the Killing the Romance EP in 2005, the Victoria-based four piece established itself as a sturdy modern rock outfit in a market already crowded with sturdy modern rock outfits. And the Cynics might have disappeared forever inside that too-often dreary throng if it hadn’t been for the nuances rattling around inside numbers like “Bang” and “Surprise Ending” - an almost covert pop sensibility behind the arrangements and atypical chord changes that lifted Killing the Romance out of its...
Cynicism was founded as a side project to the other bands of the project-leader Lindwurm. In search of his own musical identity Cynicism underwent several changes. But with time the essential and representative elements were more and more solidified. Today there are brutal riffs, thundering drums, weird vocals and an increasing amount of electronical elements which shape the sound of Cynicism. The first outcome of the development of Cynicism is the Mini-CD „The Path of Self-Sacrificing Destruction“. All songs are conceptionally connected and empathize the downfall of a mentally shattered person. Within five chapters the listener experiences the realisation, the...
The Cynics son una banda de garage nortamericana de Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania), fundada en 1984 por Gregg Kostelich (guitarra), Bill von Hagen (batería), Mark Keresman (vocalista), Pam Reyner (bajo) y Becky Smith (teclado). Resultan ser una de las bandas más influyentes de los últimos 20 años de rock-punk garage. La formación original publicó dos albumes hasta la llegada de un nuevo bajista, Steve Magee y el vocalista Michael Kastelic. La banda está formada actualmente por Michael Kastelic, Gregg Kostelich, Tom Hohn a la batería, y Smith Hutchings al bajo. Discografía: -Blue train Station (Get) 1986 -Twelve Flights Up (Skyclad) 1988 -Blue...