03 - Dysphorium (2015 - Conduit Of Darkness) | es

Conduit (3 artists) (1): home recording project of Ryan Bieber (2): an electronic/synthpop group located in the pacific northwest, USA. (3): a hardcore band from Nuneaton, UK (1) Conduit is the home recording project of Ryan Bieber, out of Madison, WI. "Force Field" is his third collection of songs, to be released independently sometime in 2008. Conduit is inspired by the drones of Brian Eno, Pan Sonic, and Charlemagne Palestine, in addition to the melodies of classic 60s pop such as the Beach Boys, Neil Diamond, and the Zombies. While mostly constructed with his trusty iMac, some of the source...
Conduits - facebook http://www.facebook.com/ConduitsMusic Conduits, an Omaha band consisting of members of The Good Life, Eagle Seagull, Son Ambulance, Neva Dinova, Cursive, and The Golden Age, was formed in late 2009. Built from an equal love of drone, shoegaze, post rock, early synth, and the 1970′s, their sound exists in a world bigger than the sum of its parts: chiming guitars, steady drum beats, analog synths, proggy basslines, and beautiful female vocals that are strong enough to not get lost in the swirling soundscapes. Though they hail from a town famous for producing singer-songwriters, Conduits’ music wouldn’t feel right played...
Encontró 6 canciones, duración: 33:30

Vídeo 03 - Dysphorium (2015 - Conduit Of Darkness)