Тимур Муцураев | es

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Timur Mutsurayev (Chechen: Муцурай ХӀамзат-кӀант Темур; Russian: Тимур Хамзатович Муцураев; born July 25, 1976 in Grozny, Chechen Republic), or Mucuraev, is a Chechen singer-songwriter and bard.

Mutsurayev fought for Chechen independence; though his songs are widely regarded as russophobic and stridently supportive of Chechen separatism. Mutsurayev's first recorded song (Jerusalem) gained airplay during the 1999–2000 Battle of Grozny. It was reported during the war that Russian paratroopers mocked the song with cries of, "Guitars won't take Jerusalem!" Some Chechens felt that it was politically inappropriate to sing about Jerusalem during a war inside Chechnya, but in response Mutsurayev indicated he was an Islamist who identified with the worldwide jihad movement, and was not solely a Chechen nationalist. Despite his religious worldview, he sings in Russian. .

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