Vagabondage | es

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There are 2 artists named Vagabondage:

1. Throw in a blender an old time salon act, a night at the carnival, the last time you both laughed and creid, and the puck rock kid playing on the corner of 16th and Mission – blend then put into a frosty mug.. And you have Vagabondage

Vagabondage is a musical duo from a past that never happened – one full of the hard roads and the dark roots of Americana. Featuring the barking mad vocals of John Flaw and the whiskey crooning of Emchy, Vagabondage will usher you into a realm of accordion, guitar, kazoo, hindsight prophecies, and phone calls from dead lovers on sultry nights.

With flasks held high this duo of chronologically challenged musicians will sing you pirate shanties, murder ballads, carnivale vaudevillia, and your new favorite drinking songs.

Vagabondage has performed with the likes of Mark Growden, Humanwine, Donny Vomit of the Coney Island Sideshow, The Bad Mitten Orchestra, Victoria & the Vaudevillians, Amber Lee, Shovelman and more. Catch them in the Bay Area and on the West Coast at a rowdy cabaret near you!

2. Vagabondage is also the name of a dark/death ambient project. In 2007 they released a split with Camisole entitled 'Gallery Of Cracked Mirrors'. .

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