The Lascivious Biddies | es

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The Lascivious Biddies, an all female cocktail pop quartet based in New York City, have earned a reputation for having an energetic and tightly woven live show, full of laughter, expert musicianship and a dash of sentimentality. At SXSW 2005 the Biddies made a splash with the media and fans alike.

The name existed before the band. Deidre Rodman, pianist and composer mentioned it in passing one fine spring day to her friend Amanda Monaco, guitarist and jazz fiend. "I've always wanted to be in a band called The Lascivious Biddies." The girls were high in the mountains, participating in an intensive jazz workshop near Banff, Canada.

Upon her return to New York, where all the Biddies live still, Amanda repeated Deidres words to the notoriously proactive jazz and swing singer, Lee Ann Westover. The two had been seriously considering the formation of a Go-Gos cover band that needed a name. "That's it. That's the name and we are that band." stated Lee Ann, simply yet full of resolve. "Who's this 'Deidre?'" The rest is history. Add Juilliard-educated Saskia Sunshine Lane (Amanda's upstairs neighbor) on the upright bass -- as well as 4+ years worth of rehearsing and good luck, minus most of the 80's cover tunes -- and there you have The Lascivious Biddies as reality: equal parts pluck, innovation, talent and fun.


guitar, vox

keys, vox, melodica etc...

lead vox, happy apple, triangle, vibro-slap

Bass, Fire, Wagon, Vox