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(1981-1992, Los Angeles CA, United States)

Slovenly (originally Slovenly Peter) was formed in 1981 by drummer Rob Holzman after his departure from the iconoclast jazz-punk band Saccharine Trust. Although they began as jumpy, grooving new wave/post-punk along the lines of early Talking Heads as shown on releases such as Even So and After The Original Style, their sound quickly evolved into something more unique. Backed by Rob's solid beats, the agile guitar interplay of Tim Plowman (also on keyboards), Tom Watson, and Scott Ziegler (both adding bass) alternately intertwined like Television, folksily chimed like The Byrds, and formed wiry brambles like The Magic Band, while vocalist Steve Anderson added quirkily introspective/philosophical speak-singing with a voice that drew comparisons to Ian Curtis. They released five albums, the first on The Minutemen's New Alliance label and the next 4 via Greg Ginn's SST.

LP's :
After The Original Style (1984), Thinking Of Empire (1986), Riposte (A Little Resolve) (1987), We Shoot For The Moon (1989), and Highway To Hanno's (1991)

The band also put out 2 EPs on New Alliance distributed by SST, Even So (1984), Plug (1986), and a final EP Drive It Home, Abbernathy (1991 on Ajax label).

After disbanding in 1992, Tom Watson went on to form Overpass with Scott Ziegler and Rob Holzman in 1992 and joined The Red Krayola in the mid-90's. Scott Ziegler and Steve Anderson later reunited through Sam Goldman's band Baculum, who released one album, My Friends Became Junkies in 2002. .

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