Ryanhood | es

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Ryanhood is Ryan Green and Cameron Hood. The duo were formed in Tucson, Arizona in 2003 and travelled to Boston where they spent three years playing as live street performers in subway stations. The acoustic rock group is now touring theaters with artists such as Jason Mraz.

Their once self-made CDs are now being produced by Grammy-winning producer Ross Hogarth.

They were chosen to perform in Boston's Street Performers Festival in 2004 at Faneuil Hall and also at the 2005 NACA National Conference. Their 2005 conference performance placed them in the "Top-20 Hot List" according to Campus Activities Magazine, saying that the duo is "one of the hottest new bands in the college market today."

Ryanhood's live show is characterized by a variety of instrumentation as well as comical crowd interaction. .

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