Pyramid Peak | es

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The story of Pyramid Peak begins in the year 1988. At that time Axel Stupplich and Andreas Morsch - both from Leverkusen/Germany - met through a common friend.

Axel Stupplich, born 1967, had his first contacts with electronic music when he was 13. He was impressed by the music of J.M.Jarre, Tangerine Dream, Kitaro and Gandalf.

Andreas Morsch, born in 1966, was fascinated by electronic music too but besides J.M.Jarre and Tangerine Dream he was impressed especially by the music of Klaus Schulze.

With a small equipment they started - first everyone for his own - to make their own music and since 1988 they founded the band "Digital Dream".
Their first releases were the tapes Space and The Second followed by the tape Digital Mind in 1989.
1990 the two tapes Fractals and Sternenmusik were released and Axel and Andreas started their first steps to make this music a little bit popular.
The last tape of them was called Explorer and it was recorded in 1991. After this last tape Andreas stopped to make music because of healthy reasons.

Inspired by some first small success Axel decided to go on alone and he released two tapes Eclipse and Himalaya under the same pseudonym.
The last three tapes were sold on the KLEM-day 1993 and it was a quite positive result. But after that time there was a small break because of familiar and professional reasons.

But in 1995 Axel met Uwe Denzer and he gave fresh impetus into the music.
As a first act they changed the pseudonym into Pyramid Peak because even Andreas and Axel were not very happy about the old name for a certain time.
One year later in 1996 Axel and Uwe started to work on their first CD which should contain new songs but also some older materials from the former released tape Explorer. But it lasts two more years until the CD ATMOSPHERE was released in 1998 in a small edition. The final reason for the release was the return of Andreas into the band in the summer of 1998.

Together with the brand-new CD-label Invisible-Shadows they released their second CD OCEAN DRIVE (which attracted big attention) at the Alpha-Centauri festival in 1999.


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