Halgadom | es

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Halgadom is a German mixed-style project, releasing both Neofolk and Pagan/Black Metal material.

The project started as a solo venture of Frank Krämer during his time with Stahlgewitter and went through several changes in line-up, promotion, labels and (to a certain degree) musical style. The line-up has been relatively stable for the latest 3 releases.

Halgadom is considered controversial due to Frank’s involvement in Stahlgewitter and the participation of the former Absurd vocalist Sebastian on 2 of the early albums.

The only political reference ever to be found in a Halgadom song was in “Wotans Krieger” from the first (self-titled) release.

Although the Halgadom material has been scrutinized by the German authorities, no release has ever been banned for containing offensive (political) material.

The last studio album to date was “Wille:Tatkraft:Potential”, released in 2009.


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