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Canada’s own, Gotham, is getting set to tear up the charts with his Original Vibes! As a Music Producer, Song Writer, and Artist, Gotham brings a different persona to the music industry. Based on a multitude of musical influences including the genres of hip-hop, reggae, punk, alternative, pop, and club, Gotham creates all of his own music. He is a classically trained pianist, and self-taught drummer.
Gotham was born in Gainesville Florida, and grew up in Fort McMurray, Canada. His first live performance was headlining the talent show at his high school graduation. He and his friends formed an alternative band, of which Gotham was the drummer. The group called themselves, “The Gots”, named after Gotham, who was a popular member of the band. Opportunities to gig emerged almost immediately after The Gots’ debut, but they had accomplished what they had set out to do, and essentially moved on to fulfill other aspirations.
Gotham moved to Edmonton to pursue a career in Engineering, at the University of Alberta. His passion for music was placed on hold, as school took priority. A work term during university took Gotham back to Fort McMurray for 8 months. He was invited to collaborate with prominent local artist, Dale Fortier, at an open jam event at a downtown café. The unique vibe created by the unlikely duo caught the attention of other local artists who were in attendance that night. Soon after, the band 7 Cents was formed, in which Gotham played the drums. 7 Cents quickly gained popularity at a local level, performing regularly at outdoor summer festivals, and bars. They performed a live set for a radio broadcast, did a TV interview, and headlined at Cowboys. Just as Gotham’s work term in Fort McMurray was coming to an end, the band was getting invites to perform larger venues outside of Fort McMurray. At the height of their popularity, Gotham had to make the gut-wrenching decision to quit the band and go back to school. This was a conflicting decision that would ultimately set the stage for the emergence of Gotham, the Producer.
While university continued, Gotham picked up an acoustic guitar and started strumming chords, teaching himself some catchy songs, by ear. For a mandatory public speaking class (in University) Gotham decided to teach himself a song on acoustic guitar and sing it to the class, instead of doing a speech. A risky move that ended in a passing grade, and actually lead to Gotham’s next music opportunity. During a popular annual party-oriented event called Geer Week, the different engineering disciplines form bands and perform at campus events drawing hundreds of spectators. Gotham sang lead vocals in a punk band representing his engineering discipline.
After university, Gotham began working, and once again, music took a backseat. Over time, a feeling began to emerge, like something was missing. This feeling grew into something so compelling…Gotham realized music was calling, and he needed to do something about it. He began laying down melodies and beats, and writing lyrics, ultimately producing his own original songs. His first two releases, Star, and Don’t Understand, were collaboration projects with American rapper, Solomon. Both projects have been successful on independent music charts. Star won the Award of Excellence in the music video category at the 2013 International Film Festival Awards, in Vancouver Canada. A clip of Gotham, from Star, can also be seen in the Maroon 5 video for their hit song, Daylight. Gotham’s latest single, No Regrets, represents his first solo project.
His passion for music resides deep within his soul, and his desire to share it with the world compels him to create. Gotham is currently in the studio working on a club track, inspired by a recent trip to Vegas during EDC week, 2013.

Gotham’s Social Media Sites

Twitter (gotham_music):

Gotham’s videos on YouTube:

Gotham’s music on iTunes:

Gotham’s Artist Website:

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