Gort | es

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There are several artists under the name Gort.

1. Hungarian black/dark metal Gort is the predecessor of Thy Catafalque created by Tamás Kátai, János Juhász, Zoltán Kónya (Gire) and Péter Gáspár. Playing some kind of odd, dark metal with black metallish elements released only one EP in 2000. The EP contains four different songs: Worldshade, Thou Luna Black, Awakening, A Forest Myth, but they are melted into one 20 minutes long track called Forest myths.
After writing this material, Tamás Kátai and János Juhász found Thy Catafalque to paint a more extreme and experimental world for themselves.

2.Raw Black Metal band from Italy formed in 2002. They got 3 demos, one split album and one full-lenght called Sixth Day's Cancer that was released in 2008.

3. GORT Is a sound artist from New England area. Collaborates with people by having them call his GORT hotline and leaving messages. GORT then utilizes these snippets of conversation into musical pieces. .

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