Envenom Ascension | es

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The two headed serpent known as Envenom Ascension was given birth during the fall of 2005. Originating from Iowa in the United States and composed of Nitoh Mahkwi and Mortaeus, a new era of malevolence and philosophical luminescence was regurgitated upon the world.

Unsatisfied with American mainstream culture and society, a voice bellowed from the depths shunning the theological blindness of religion and the perspectives influenced into the history by these traditions.

Near the end of 2006, Daemon est Deus Inversus meaning “God is Satan inverted” was completed. Several shows were then organized at the Hall Mall and The Mill of Iowa City, Iowa and The Machine Shed of North English, Iowa. In 2007, Murkland was completed the second full length album by Iowa’s most profound duo.

Envenom Ascension means to poison and destroy Christ as he is resurrected preventing him from ascending to the heavens.

Demo - 2005
Daemon Est Deus Inversus - 2006
Murkland - 2007
Elkenrod (EP) - 2008
The Antagonist(Split with AX) - 2008 (not yet released) .

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