Denitia and Sene | es

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At a time when the idea of “alternative R&B” has become the genre-defying norm, when hip hop and EDM and house music and indie-rock have all started to sound mysteriously the same, the chilled-out, futuristic soul vibes of Brooklyn electro pop duo denitia and sene. make a perfect kind of sense. The group formed in 2011 after the two crossed paths at a Brooklyn art and music collective simply known as “The Clubhouse.” At the time, Sene (who cut his teeth in NYC and LA as a rapper) was looking for a vocalist to sing over some of his beats. Denitia, who had come to NYC less than a year earlier to make a name for herself as a singer/songwriter, was happy to oblige. As it turned out, the pairing of powerhouse vocalist Denitia and production whiz and beat-maker Sene turned out to be something of an effortless no-brainer.


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