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1. Colcannon, folk band, Adelaide, Australia.
Also the name of a folk band, formed in Adelaide, Australia. Their website gives more details. The line-up now includes Damien Steel Scott, who is also the bass player for Goose.

2. Colcannon, folk band, US
Colcannon has recorded six albums for Oxford Road Records, which have received airplay on hundreds of public radio stations across the U.S. as well as in Europe and Canada. The recent CD release 'Corvus' spent three months in the top ten of the National Celtic Radio Chart in the U.S. Colcannon has also been featured in an Emmy award-winning concert video "Colcannon in Concert" that was presented as a PBS television special. We've toured from the East Coast to the West Coast. Performance venues have ranged from community Arts Council concerts in small towns to major festivals such as the Merle Watson Memorial Festival and the Live Oak Festival. We also have a variety of residency programs that we offer, and would be happy to talk about residency programming for your particular community.

Recently, we've added performances with symphony orchestras, featuring a "concerto" written for the band, as well as orchestral arrangements of some of our audience favorites. Our goal is to provide our audiences with an intense, moving, intimate, and fun concert experience, and (not to be too modest) we succeed at that. We often hear, "This was the best concert we've been to (heard, seen, promoted...) in years!"

"Some of the most exciting and entertaining Celtic sounds being heard today!"
--Art Menius, The Independent

"A band with its roots in tradition but its eyes on the future...a remarkable achievement."
--John O'Regan, Radio Limerick

"One of the country's most impressive acts working in the Celtic tradition...plays music of an especially passionate and moving stripe."
--Michael Roberts, Westword

"Colcannon plays powerful, original music that embraces tradition and makes it meaningful to a new generation of listeners."
--Knight Ridder News Service

More than just another band playing music from the Irish tradition, Colcannon is one of the few groups performing today that has developed their own unique, recognizable and contemporary style while still keeping in firm touch with the heart and essence of tradtional Celtic music. A concert with Colcannon includes tradtional as well as original songs and instrumentals performed with all-acoustic instrumentation and presented with warmth, virtuosity and wit. Folk music, and the Celtic musical tradtion in particular, has always spoken eloquently of the human condition, and the music of Colcannon speaks to the audience with laughter and longing, despair and hope, frustration and joy; the common threads of human experience. A concert with Colcannon weaves these threads together in a way that is intriguing, very funny, and always honest.

3. Folkband from Zwolle, the Netherlands.
COLCANNON is Iers voor stampot, en daarin kun je van alles aantreffen;
goed voorbereid is het een heerlijk gerecht.

COLCANNON is ook de naam van een groep Sallandse muzikanten.
Zij maken van allerlei bestaande ingredienten een uitstekende muzikale stampot:
stevige pubsongs en opzwepende jigs en reels worden afgewisseld met slow airs en mystieke ballades, voor een deel gezongen in het gaelic, de oorspronkelijke taal van de Ieren.

Eigen arrangementen, vaak met meerstemmige zang, garanderen een eigenzinnig, karakteristiek en gevarieerd gerecht.

Eet smakelijk!

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